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Started the first week with the first of two iron infusions.  These are done at the cancer center where my oncologist is.  Walk in for my appointment ... pay my $20.00 copay (seriously this is breaking me for real)... every single time you walk into any appointment anywhere $20 bucks...  ugh!  I'm a paycheck to paycheck chick and was working a second job as well as my full time gig before the "news".  I know I shouldn't complain.  I do not see how people without insurance afford their healthcare.  Just my biopsy alone was $8,100.00; the iron infusions were $3,400.00 each; thank God for insurance!!!  Anyways... I digress again...  back to iron infusion #1.

Pay my copay and get my folder and was told to head to the chemo room.  No thanks...  don't care if I ever see this room... please don't make me go in there.  But here I go.  In the room with tons of recliners with IV stands, blankets, snacks, magazines.  Pretty much anything that might take your mind off of the fact you're in the most horrible place ever at that moment.  At this very moment I thank God I am only in this room for iron and not chemo.  I am feeling incredibly lucky.  But let's face it, I'm a giant weenie when it comes to needles and IVs and shots and the panic once again sets in.  They give me a form to sign basically saying I won't sue them if I die from a reaction to the treatment I'm about to receive.  Now pair that with the brand-new little nurse getting ready to attempt to shove this giant needle into my hand, I immediately feel like I'm going to throw up and pass out.  Poor chick... she dug and dug and then blew my vain, all the while weenie chick in the chair is having a melt down of giant proportions.  I'm sure she thought wow, this chick isn't going to make it through this process if she's already melting down over this tiny little thing....  I kind of was thinking the same thing!  Luckily the next try was done by a seasoned nurse and got it in on the first try.  And lo and behold I didn't croak!  Yay me!  LOL  Out I go... still waiting on test results, next infusion, and surgery... tick tock tick tock...

Next day, radiation doctor consult at the cancer center.  Pay the $20 bucks.  Get my folder.  Go to waiting room A.  This is the radiation waiting room I find out.  Meet my assigned radiation doctor.  We go over what will happen during radiation.  Basically 6 weeks of radiation; 5 days per week  and game plan still in place as originally discussed with oncologist on first day.  Radiation would begin around 3 weeks after the lumpectomy surgery is complete.   Out the door again...  still waiting ....

One week later back to the center once again.  Pay my $20 bucks.  Head to chemo room for 2nd iron infusion treatment.  I'm sure as soon as I walked in they all cringed and thought Oh Shit she's back... I think I saw them in the back drawing straws LOL  Anyways, I got my same seasoned nurse and all went much better than the first time.  In and out in 45 minutes and on my way again.  Still playing the waiting game on the genetic testing.  We are now 3 days until surgery and my surgeon really wanted the results back before the final decision is made regarding surgery.  Tick tock tick tock.....

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