As I lay here tonight on my couch, thinking about the last month....
Yes, holy crap, it's actually been a whole month since my boobie chopping day!! I feel like it was just yesterday. Pretty sure I slept in a drug induced coma through the first two weeks, which is why it doesn't seem possible that it has already been a month. My incisions are healing nicely. That's what everyone says. Yeah they look great. No boobs, big old ugly slices where my boobies were. Yeah I'm looking GREAT..... (insert sarcastic emoji).... And did you know without big ole boobies the big fat Buda belly now looks giant..... yepper I look preggo in almost ALL of my tops π‘! The Flat and Fabulous ladies said this would happen. But not to me. #denial
So my friends, if you find my name on the arrest records in the Tribune one day, just know it will quite possibly be from me knocking the π© out of the first person who asks me if I am preggers! You have been warned! LOL
In my last post I was freaking out and π hard for no chemo. This Wednesday I learned my fate.
I had my oncologist appointment on Wednesday. I had been having a slight problem with an area on one of my incisions, so I planned to stop into my surgeon's office while I was in the neighborhood. Checked in, but doc wasn't in, so began the LONG walk to my oncologist's office. I'm guessing this is probably how a prisoner feels on his walk to the court room on sentencing day. This was my sentencing day.... chemo, radiation, pills..... which one or all three or what else could be on the table? Walk, walk, walk.... closer and closer to the office.... or I could just turn around and run far away.
Entered into the office, $20 Bucks..... for old times sake.... haha.... the check in lady says the financial counselor wants to meet with me first. First imagine the mind set I was already in. I could only determine that if I was meeting with a financial counselor that could only mean more treatment, which meant chemo. OMG she was going to tell me before my doctor. NO! Let the drama queen freak out begin! π Of course it only ended up being a discussion about my current statement. Whew. That was close! Then off to waiting room A. Blood work time. I was so worried about the actual doctor visit, I had forgotten about the every visit blood work routine. On this day, I didn't even freak out.... well very much.... about the needle and blood work. Finished up there and off to examining room. The onco nurse comes in and does the nurse things. She always makes me feel better and I relax a little bit. Then the knock on the door and in comes the doc. Here we go. The big moment has finally arrived.
He starts the conversation with my pathology report from the mastectomy. He mimics my surgeon stating I had absolutely made the right decision with the double boobie chopping. Again stating the naughty boob was full of cancer and the good girl was also showing pre-cancer. I tease him with the "slam dunk" comment from our very first visit (see slam dunk post). Then he gets that serious chat look on his face.... I've seen this one before.... didn't like the last one and I knew what was coming. Said something about chemo and I think I might have had a mini stroke or passed out.... the next thing I remember is my fiancΓ© saying something about my oncotype score and how low it was. Doc gets this weird look on his face and says, "What Oncotype". Are you fucking kidding me right now? He says he didn't get an oncotype test for me. He was getting ready to discuss chemo options with me due to the large size of my tumor. Now people, don't you think these damn doctors would f'n communicate??? Apparently that is an incorrect statement. I almost got shot full of some poison shit for no reason because people do not know how to communicate! πthat.
What is an Oncotype score?