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The First Sober Holiday

Ahhhh Memorial Weekend.  The beginning of summer.  Time to open the patios, the lake houses, the pools, and let the parties begin.  Three day weekend full of parties and drinking....

For me, this was my very first Memorial Weekend, hell, probably my very first holiday I haven't, at some point, been plowed out of my mind.  Then the hangover that proceeded after, which usually would then either 1) ruin the rest of your weekend, or 2) say screw it and go back at it again, hair of the dog... blah blah blah....Yep that was me!  

But not this year.  This year, another first.  Stone cold sober the WHOLE Memorial weekend.  Also stone cold bored out of my mind.  I doubt it was intentional.  But not one invite to do anything all weekend.  No parties, lake trips, BBQs.  Nothing.  I'm blaming it on sobriety.  She's no longer fun.  She can't drink.  Better not invite her.  That is where my mental mind went.  And then, I did get to attend a party after all... my own pity party LOL!  

For the past 6 years my ex and I always found something to do on the 3 day weekend that signaled the start of summer.  Both of us were always so sick of the winter that this was a great celebration... no more freezing to death, for at least a few months!!  This year... no fiancĂ© and no parties.  Just me, alone with my thoughts and the furkids.  

This holiday weekend was spent quite productive instead.  Sobriety, combined with heartache and a holiday to boot, fueled the fire that made me clean like a mad woman.  I'm pretty sure my house has NEVER been cleaner.  The animals, I'm sure, are thrilled.  They get to go to the dog park and go for walks every night.  The guilt I now have when I do not walk the dogs or take them to the park, had eluded me during my years of drinking.  I was too busy feeling like I might miss something at the bar to worry about how we were probably neglecting our "kids" at home.

But here we are.  Tuesday, back to work.  And I survived.  My first sober holiday.  

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