I know my irritation of people and their taking for granted their lives gets old at times as I voice my irritations, but I'm just trying to open people's eyes before it's too late. I'm not trying to be a pain in the ass, although I know I'm good at that at times haha! I only have recently figured it out myself.
Three years ago today I was getting ready to chop my boobies off. I had also chosen to not have any kind of reconstruction, as a mastectomy and reconstruction is not the boob job most people think it is. I knew the risks involved; recurrent cancer hiding below the implant going undetected, your body rejecting the implants, many surgeries and possible infections galore, and if the skin is so thin the implant can actually bust through the skin at any time. Therefore, I chose no boobies. I was devastated. Thought it was possibly the worst day of my life. I was losing part of my womanhood. And it took me a few years to accept my new body. And life went on.
Ironically, one year ago today I lost the last of my hair from the toxic chemo that I was taking for my breast cancer recurrence. Now I was boobless and yes, bald as a baby's ass, and my fiance of 7 years had just left me for another woman. And again I was devastated and thought it was the worst thing in the world and life couldn't get any worse. But I got used to my bald head and wearing my turban hats and once again life went on. I healed and bought a Jeep and was ready to live my new life. Thankful for a third chance and forever changed by what I had been through over the last two years.
Today we ushered in a new President of the United States. Half of my friends and family on Facebook and in my own house spent the day bitter and still convinced the election was stolen and spewed hatred and hateful comments. The other half were elated and happy and thrilled with today's pomp and circumstance and pagentry. The statements "not my president", "we're doomed", "just wait and see" were just a few of the non-positive statements I saw. I was actually absolutely amused as these same statements came out of the mouths of the elated and thrilled folks just four short years ago and they were ridiculed then for making these statements, yet here they were doing the same. You see folks were all alike. We are all human. And most importantly what makes us all unique is our ability to think for ourselves and form our own opinions. And what makes us adults is being able to have conversations and thoughts without hatred. And let's all be totally honest EVERY SINGLE politician has been groomed and are all basically the same at the level we ushered in today. They don't give a rats ass about you, only their popularity and wallets. The results are not going to affect your every day life. As witnessed through this pandemic, you should be more worried about your local government and their power as they are the ones calling the shots in each state, not the big dogs in Washington, who again, could give a rats ass about you.
I only make the above statement because there was so much energy over the last few months regarding the above. Energy you could have been focusing on your family and friends. Forming new bonds. Volunteering. Doing your part to make the little part of your world a better place and spreading love and friendship instead of mean and hateful things towards people who think a feel differently than you.
Here's the punch line folks......... There is absolutely NOTHING that bad to cause such stress and rifts between friends and families, nothing......... EXCEPT when the doctor walks into that office and says I'm sorry there's not a cure for this. You have 3-6 months to live and you should get your things in order. Now that there is what I call a shitty devastating life altering day. Everything else is just distractions and stress causing bumps in the road. One of my high school best friends ex was diagnosed this weekend with my exact diagnosis. He still has two teenage boys at home and works in the restaurant industry. Please add him to your prayer list as well. This disease is beginning to attack younger and younger people and the doctors are baffled at the alarming rate. It makes me so angry sometimes. I watch older people on TV and on Facebook and I cry and get angry and say why me and it's not fair. But as we all know, life is definitely not fair!
Today is the anniversary of an amazing friend who lost his son in a car wreck 8 years ago today. He was getting ready to graduate from high school. Life is short. And not fair. This folks is life changing. Not an election and a new President.
So tonight, try to go to bed with a forgiving and renewed heart and give this new administration a chance and try to share and post less items that haven't came from your beautiful minds! And pray you never have to experience what really is the worst thing that can possibly happen to you. I feel ashamed for some of my friends who have focused so much energy on worrying about this that it has affected their mental health and how they are functioning in life. It has taken away their happiness. I pray our country can start healing and everyone goes into the next year with positive thoughts and forgiveness. Spend more time with your families and friends and less time worrying about what the big rich ass holes in Washington are doing because they sure as hell are not worrying about you!
I say a prayer every day for our country to heal and for God to grant me a miracle of health and extended life. I would welcome everyone to join me in these prayers and I would feel blessed to have any and all of the prayers!
Just remember without your health you have absolutely nothing, please take care of yourselves out there my wonderful prayer warriors!